Sunday, July 26, 2020

The challenge this week was "story".  Roxane's granddaughters and one friend posed for me in civil war dresses.  I then took a picture of an old schoolhouse NE of us and superimposed the girls and opaqued them to try to look like ghosts.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Week 28 was "proportion and emphasis".  I had trouble finding any one with Mary Janes.  The easy part was the boots.  Dennis has lots sitting around. 

Sunday, July 12, 2020

This week's challenge was flowers with a macro lens.  I don't have one as many of the other students didn't either.  So adjustments in Light Room was also part of the lesson.  I tried a blowing dandelion.  In the process I learned that dandelions really don't blow apart unless they are ripe.  Blowing so hard to get it apart meant that it was bouncing around and blurry. 

Then went to a farm that sells sunflowers and fruit too get this picture.  Hard to decide whether to use this one and edit it off center or use one with a bee.  To Bee or not to Bee that was the problem.

Sunday, July 5, 2020

The last week of the first session on the photo challenge.  Topic was "celebration".  I knew it was kind of cliche, but fireworks are still a great thing.